Undergraduate Minor- Program Delivery
- On Campus, Online, Hybrid
- Total Credits
- 18 Credits
Focus of Study
The Pre-Law minor is a good option for students who are considering law school or a legal career of some kind.
It is also appropriate for those students concerned to think deeply about the major legal, political, and social institutions and systems of our society. As such, it is an excellent minor for students considering a career in public policy or public service, or who are thinking about continuing on to graduate study.
A Pre-Law minor pairs well with several different majors. If you are considering going to law school, or going on to do graduate work, different majors may be appropriate. To discuss your particular degree, please get in touch with the Director of the Center for Legal Studies.
Think a course should be added to the minor? Contact CLS Director Dr. Jennifer Kling (jkling@uccs.edu) with the course number, title, and brief description!
Pre-Law Minor Program Requirements
The Pre-Law minor requires
- A minimum of 18 credit hours of course work from the list below.
- At least 12 hours must be taken as upper-division (3000+ level).
- All courses must have a C or better grade.
- Complete courses from at least 2 different departments.
For specific details, please view the full program requirements below.
Program Coursework
COMM 4750: Communication Law
Criminal Justice:
- CJ 3520: Juvenile Justice Administration
- CJ 3530: Management of Offenders
- CJ 3620: Cyber Law
- CJ 4029: Legal Aspects of Forensic Studies
- CJ 4120: Race, Class & Crime CJ 4410:
- CJ 4530: Families and Intergenerational Crime
- CJ 4600: Military Justice
- Criminal Law & Constitutional Procedure
- ECON 3210: Economics of the Public Sector
- ECON 3850: Law and Economics
- ECON 4410: International Trade Policy
- ECON 4510: Constitution and the Economy
- ENGL 3830: Legal Writing
- ENGL 4890: Antidiscrimination Rhetorics
- HIST 1300: Global Revolutions: A Comparative History
- HIST 1340: Global Military History from the Ancient to Modern World
- HIST 1550: African American History: From Africa to the Present Day
- HIST 1560: Introduction to Environmental History of the U.S.
- HIST 1563: American Legal History
- HIST 1570: Introduction to Industrial America
- HIST 1575: History of the American Southwest
- HIST 3520: History of Latinos in the U.S.
- HIST 3550: Religion and American Culture, 1500-2000
- HIST 3720 (WEST 3720): From Slavery to Freedom, 1607-1877
- HIST 3750: Orphans, Paupers, and Other Vagabonds: Poor Relief in the U. S, 1607-1937
- HIST 3760: Bombs, Bullets, and Brotherhood: History of American Labor
- HIST 3790: Body of Liberties: Law in American History, 1620-1920
- HIST 3850: Immigrant Histories
- HIST 4530: Civil War and Reconstruction
- HIST 4580: American West
- HIST 4690: Colorado History
- PHIL 1120: Critical Thinking
- PHIL 1150: What Is Justice?
- PHIL 3200: Politics and the Law
- PHIL 3210: Political Economy: Capitalism
- PHIL 3240: Political Violence: Peace, War, and Terrorism
- PHIL 3420: Symbolic Logic
- PHIL 4080: Constructions of Truth
- PHIL 4260: Philosophy of Law
Political Science:
- PSC 1100: The American Political System
- PSC 2450: American Political Thought
- PSC 3060: Political Ideas in Film
- PSC 3420: Political Theory
- PSC 3430: Law and Literature
- PSC 4200: Comparative Law: Foreign Legal Systems and Traditions
- PSC 4250: International Law
- PSC 4460: Administrative Law
- PSC 4470: Constitutional Law
- PSC 4480: Civil Rights and Liberties
- PSC 4490: The Judicial System
- PSC 4510: Defendant’s Constitutional Rights
- PSC 9480: Prelaw Internship
- PSY 3630: Sex Crimes Against Children
- PSY 3940: Psychology and the Law
- PSY 4430: Psychology and the Law ONLY (Seminar in Social Issues)
- SOC 3250: Power, Privilege, and Social Difference
- SOC 3360: Sociology of Drugs and Addiction
- SOC 3400: Criminology
- SOC 3410: Sociology of Law
- SOC 4520: Sociology of Corrections and Rehabilitation
- SOC 4590: Youth Gangs
- SOC 4960: Juvenile Delinquency
Women’s & Ethnic Studies:
- WEST 3010: Social Statistics
- WEST 3250: The Prehistory and History of Native American Cultures of the Southwest
- WEST 3720 (HIST 3720): From Slavery to Freedom, 1607-1877
Once admitted to UCCS as an undergraduate student, please meet with your Academic Advisor to declare your Pre-law Minor.
General UCCS Admissions Details:
To learn more about admission requirements and the application process, please visit the UCCS Admissions page.
Additional resources for Admissions: