Professional Summary
I moved back to Colorado with my family in 2018 after finishing my PhD in Religious Studies at UNC-Chapel Hill. In addition to working with students on learning to improve their critical thinking and independent research skills, I really enjoy teaching about cross-cultural dialogue (with an emphasis on Africa, the Middle East, and South Asia). I am a big proponent of IDIC (Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combinations – bonus points if you get this reference!), and I always encourage my students to think carefully about their preconceived notions of “normal,” and how those norms might appear to someone else. I find this is helpful for building empathy for the cultural and historical Other, which is ultimately the most important thing that I do as an educator.
Philosophical Areas of Special Interest
Philosophy of Religion, Islamic Philosophy, Post-colonial theory, Ethics, Mysticism
Courses Regularly Taught
Intro to Philosophy (PHIL 1000)
Islamic Philosophy (PHIL 3690)
Modern Islamic Philosophy (PHIL 4930)