Sonja Tanner, Ph.D.

Sonja Tanner, Ph.D.

Professor Philosophy Department
COLU 4003
COLU 4003

Professional Summary

Sonja Tanner teaches courses in ancient Greek philosophy and aesthetics and has a Ph.D from the New School for Social Research. Her research focuses on the intersection of the literary (especially comedy) and philosophical in ancient philosophy. She is the author of two books, In Praise of Plato’s Poetic Imagination (Lexington), and Plato’s Laughter (SUNY Press), as well as a number of articles, and has given presentations across the U.S. and Europe. In addition to serving as Chair of the Philosophy Department, she directs the Classics program. When she isn’t doing any of the above, she likes to hang out with her family, do yoga, garden, travel, and cook.


Philosophical Areas of Special Interest

Ancient Greek Philosophy, History of Philosophy, and Philosophy of Art

Courses Regularly Taught

Curriculum Vitae